Senin, 12 November 2012

contoh Makalah Bahasa Inggris


CLASS : XII Tpm - 1

                                    Elwyn Rahmat Hidayat (19)

Department of Mechanical Engineering 1
Jln. KH. Ahmad Dahlan Kepanjen Kab. Malang-Jatim YEAR 2012/2013


Motto Page …………………………………………………………………………… ii
Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………… iii
Preface …………………………………………………………………………… iv
CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION …………………………………………… 1
    1. Background of Study …………………………………………………………… 1
    2. Statement Of Study …………………………………………………………… 1
    3. Purpose Of Study …………………………………………………………… 1
    4. Significance Of Study …………………………………………………………… 1
    5. Scape And Limitation …………………………………………………………… 1
    6. Definition Of Key Terms ……………………………………………………. 1
2.1 Historical Background ……………………………………………………………. 2
2.2 Theory Of Relevant To Research …………………………………………… 3
3.1 Research Design ……………………………………………………………………. 4
3.2 Approach ……………………………………………………………………………. 4
3.3 Population and Sample ……………………………………………………………. 4
3.4 Data Collection ……………………………………………………………………. 4
3.5 Data Analysis …………………………………………………………………….. 4
4.1 General Description Of Problem 3 ……………………………………………. 5
4.2 The Solution Of the Problem 3 …………………………………………………….. 5
4.3 Disscussions …………………………………………………………………….. 5
5.1 Conclusion …………………………………………………………………….. 5
5.2 Suggestions …………………………………………………………………….. 5
BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………………... 6


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
First of all , I would like to praise Allah, the Almighty , Who gives me bless and health so that I am able to accomplish my report . Secondly, my gratitude goes to my parents who gives my endless love and support to get good education . Lastly, my gratitude is also for my teacher who give me knowledge and skills for my future and all parties that help me ti finish my report . I hope that Allah S.W.T approve record as godly charity.
We hope that the report is beneficial for the reader and constructive suggestions are welcome to make the report better

Malang , 7 November 2012


    1. Background of Study
  • Developing of a Lathe Machine Tool
  • Efficiency of using Lathe Machine Tool

    1. Statement Of Study
  • How is the developing of a Lathe Machine Tool at Present Day ?
  • How efficient of using the Lathe Machine Tool ?

    1. Purpose Of Study
Understanding about the history of lathe machine tool

    1. Significance Of Study
We only discuss about Lathe Machine Tool

    1. Scape And Limitation
We discuss about the developing of the Lathe Machine Tool .

    1. Definition Of Key Terms
Construct = membangun Strict = keras(disiplin)
rigid frame pads = rangka kaku bantalan Abroad = luar negri
coil = gulungan Barrier = Rintangan
circular = bundar Groove = alur
manufacture = membuat Provide = menyediakan
ancient = kuno Screw = putar
Tomb = makam Principle = dasar
Bow = haluan Cams = hubungan
Maintain = memelihara Tension = tegangan
Reciprocating = membalas Prohibiting = melarang
Alternately = berurutan
Rope = tali
Pole = galah
Appeare = Nampak
Guild = serikat kerja
Honor = kehormatan
Patron = pelindung
Frame = bingkai
Sledge = eretan
Firmly = dengan kuat
Heavy = keras
Spawned = melahirkan
form. = bentuk
Utilization = penggunaan
Tremendous advantage= keuntungan besar
Court = pengadilan
2.1 Historical Background
  History began when humans first construct a rigid frame pads to support the work piece can be played on a coil and cut into a circular shape with a handheld device.(Picture1)
  This method was first used for the manufacture of a shallow bowl in the year 1200 BC and was found in a grave at Mycenae are believed to have changed. Undeniable the most ancient examples of the art of turning so far discovered is a fragment of a wooden bowl Etruscan, which was made ​​around 700 BC and was found in the Tomb Warriors in the Cornetto . (Picture2)
  Lathe from the East originally sat on the ground in their primitive lathe, using one hand to rotate the spindle with a bow while the other hand holds the handle of the chisel. They use one foot to maintain the stability of the lathe and acts as a fulcrum, while the other end of the leg is used to guide the point of the cutting tool. Primitive tools such as lathes ancient, we can still see today and is used in markets in the Middle East and Asia.(Picture3)
In China, people sit in a lathe and use his legs to make the movement back and forth (reciprocating) by a foot pedal alternately left and right on the board that is attached to a rope wrapped around the spindle lathe machines, making both hands free to hold and direct Chisel cutters.(Picture4)
Westerners, preferring to stand on a lathe. They developed a pole lathe where only one leg is needed to move back and forth. The first known illustration of a pole lathe appeared in the 13th century stained glass window in Chartres is given by the local guild lathe to honor their patron Saint Julien. (Picture5)
Later, seen here in an illustration of Mendelsches Bruderbuch 1395, shows a frame lathe and sledge made ​​of heavy wood to increase rigidity. (Picture6)
  Difficulty holding the cutting tool firmly when cutting hard materials discovery spawned major sled where the tool is holding strong and advanced cut by a slide under the control of a screw. This is an illustration of Mittelalterliche Hausbuch of 1480 showed a very early form.
Utilization of the wheels have a tremendous advantage because it produces a constant speed and thus increase the control over the cutting tools. This illustration was also the first to show Drive between the two pads of the headstock and a tailstock with the adjusting screw to rotate workpieces of different lengths between centers. (Picture7)
    Leonardo, successor Jacques Besson as an engineer at the French court, was also interested in the development of the lathe and bring some practical ideas into reality by building a screw-cutting lathe and two ornamental turning. (Picture8)
  The illustration on this side of the book Besson " Theatre Instrumens Mathématiques et de Mecanique "(1578).
In 1615 Salomon de caus of Wales describes an eccentric lathe (Lathe Eccentric) to change the oval object. For the first time lathe spindle can be changed under the control of the eccentric cams to pressure the rope tension. This is an early illustration of the principle of the lathe. (Picture9)
   In 1797, Henry Mauldslay (1771-1831) designed and built a machine called a lathe screw cutting lathe, s ne of the work developed in the state of New England. At that time, the United States still have problems that are very strict with the British state laws prohibiting the export of machines abroad. While this law is a barrier for a while but it did not take too long for the American people who are revolutionary to provide capital to the development of Maudslay lathe. And made ​​lathe machines similar to bed-bed machines of wood and iron grooves. (Picture10)

2.2 Theory Of Relevant To Research

3.1 Research Design
Survey to Mechanical Engineering1 with 44 student at lathe Workshop SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Kepanjen

3.2 Approach
This report was approaching by English Teacher , Mr. Ervano Agon

3.3 Population and Sample
Population : Mechanical Engineering Grade XII SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Kepanjen
Sample : XII Tpm 1

3.4 Data Collection
Awis Susanto (XII Tpm 1 / 09)
Elwyn Rahmat Hidayat (XII Tpm1 / 19)

3.5 Data Analysis

Question : How developing of Lathe Machine Tool as far as you know ?

Awis’s Answer : The first Lathe Machine used for the manufacture of a shallow bowl and now a lathe machine used to make spareparts of the Machine .
Elwyn’s Answer : first Lathe Machine is made by Mendelsches Bruderbuch year 1395, Then Henry Mauldslay modify lathe machine become different .


4.1 General Description Of Problem 3
  Lathe from the East originally sat on the ground in their primitive lathe, using one hand to rotate the spindle with a bow while the other hand holds the handle of the chisel. They use one foot to maintain the stability of the lathe and acts as a fulcrum, while the other end of the leg is used to guide the point of the cutting tool. Primitive tools such as lathes ancient, we can still see today and is used in markets in the Middle East and Asia

4.2 The Solution Of the Problem 3
  • The Lathe Machine amend quickly , first lathe machine create to slash wood object . And now lathe machine can slash hard object quickly .
  • Lathe Machine can slash iron object easily, so we can shaping that to other form without difficulty .
4.3 Disscussions
In our opinion , The lathe Machine made to facilitate humans slashing or shaping emetal object easily and quickly .

5.1 Conclusion
History began when humans first construct a rigid frame pads to support the work piece can be played on a coil and cut into a circular shape with a handheld device. Mendelsches Bruderbuch 1395, shows a frame lathe and sledge made ​​of heavy wood to increase rigidity.   Difficulty holding the cutting tool firmly when cutting hard materials discovery spawned major sled where the wheels have a tremendous advantage because it produces a constant speed and thus increase the control over the cutting tools. This illustration was also the first to show Drive between the two pads of the headstock and a tailstock with the adjusting screw to rotate workpieces of different lengths between centers. In 1797, Henry Mauldslay (1771-1831) designed and built a machine called a lathe screw cutting lathe, s ne of the work developed in the state of New England.

5.2 Suggestions
Berdasarkan kesimpulan tersebut, makalah ini mempunyai banyak kekurangan dan jauhnya dari kesempurnaan, oleh karena itu segala kritik dan saran yang bersifat membangun sangat lah penulis harapkan terutama dari bapak guru pembimbing dan rekan pembaca sekalian demi kesempurnaan makalah ini dimasa mendatang, semoga makalah ini bermanfaat untuk kita semua dan menambah wawasan kita.


WIN THE DAY book, grade XII

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